Description: CalArts BFA thesis show held in my bathroom (in lieu of L-shape gallery on campus) due to unprecedented complications caused by COViD-19. The following scroll compiles writings, schematics, images of (art)work, promotional materials, and more from toxontologies or recalcitrance, which were premiered as is (give or take a few minor edits made to website graphics) on thursday (gallery) night of april 16th, 2020 at 7PM, consumed in conjunction with my dmt-induced live tour of the show during the opening reception hosted on Zoom.
body di[s/play]
is bios anthropocentric?
politics surrounded...
[un]exceptional theory of fecal orbs
intro to corona theory



Liam ft. sage chenhappening 0
dimensions variable
cat feces, cat litter, cat (maybe), plastic litter box, fish-shaped catnip-filled plush, gripping mat, metal trash can
sage chenlily
17 x 23 in
litter mosaic: clay and NEON cat litter and glue on mood board

Liam ft. L.muff*six sniffs* (2019)
5 x 7 in
cat hairball mounted on paper
care by Angela (Jiayun) Chen
Liam ft. sage chen and Angelahappening 1
dimensions variable
resined cat fece on flush handle
sage chen ft. Liamcurious
17 x 23 in
litter mosaic: cat scratches, varied cat litter, and glue on mood board

sage chen x Liamcrown for princess corona
4 x 4 x 4 in
cat hair, hair spray
care by Julia Chai and Dom Go

sage chen ft. Liamon the rocks
dimensions variable
resined cat fece, cat litter, glue, wooden ball-on-a-stick
Liam ft. sage chenhappening 2
dimensions variable
resined cat fece on the rocks
sage chen x Liamfecal sucker (with love)
1 x 1 x 1 in
cardboard heart-shaped box lid, cat fece, cat litter, catnip oil, sugar, corn syrup

sage chen ft. Liam, Nemo
cat poser (hang in there)
30 x 20 in
digital photograph and collage
care by Julia Chai
cat poser (hang in there)
30 x 20 in
digital photograph and collage
care by Julia Chai

sage chen x Liam ft. Angelacat poster (princess of whorl)
30 x 20 in
digital photograph and collage
care by Kiki Shan and Michael Ned Holte

sage chen x Liam x Angelaplanet for princess corona
2 x 2 x 2 in
cat hair, human hair, various debris collected by and from a vaccuum
sage chenhill
dimensions unknown
NEON cat litter and glue in sink

sage chen x Liamsurround (affection)
5 x 5 x 1 in
cat feces, catnip oil, glycerin soap
care by Casey Chan and Charlotte Zhang
sage chentrap (dionysian)
dimensions n/a
cat toys (varied), grapes, glass fishbowl, towel from Animal Hospital, yeast
care by Julia Chai and Mike Kelley
sage chenscratching spire (ongoing)
4 x 4 x 32 in
crystal cat litter, glue
care by Preston Soros and Charlotte Zhang

Liam ft. sage chenhappening 3
2 x 2 x 2 in
resined cat fece on douche

sage chen x Liamcliff (an exception)
0.5 x 2 x 4 in
resined cat fece, clay cat litter (with cloud control), glue
*all works made in 2020 unless specified.

︎ 2020 steven chen & Liam

patrick ballard
scott benzel
wheeler bills
jessica bronson
julia chai
casey chan
audrey chan
angela (jiayun) chen
peter cheung
michael chow
sophia dueñas
harry dodge
jade dong
eleanor francis
dom go
kiki green
terry kim
michael ned holte
pearl hsiung
katie inman
mike kelley
lauren koenen
sara mameni
gavin morrison
hayden shue
clara lopez menendez
richard nam
julian prins
kiki shan
pia sazani
andrea quaid
grace rosenman
ajani russel
camellia saleh
cauleen smith
preston soros
shirley tse
christine wertheim
charlotte zhang
scott benzel
wheeler bills
jessica bronson
julia chai
casey chan
audrey chan
angela (jiayun) chen
peter cheung
michael chow
sophia dueñas
harry dodge
jade dong
eleanor francis
dom go
kiki green
terry kim
michael ned holte
pearl hsiung
katie inman
mike kelley
lauren koenen
sara mameni
gavin morrison
hayden shue
clara lopez menendez
richard nam
julian prins
kiki shan
pia sazani
andrea quaid
grace rosenman
ajani russel
camellia saleh
cauleen smith
preston soros
shirley tse
christine wertheim
charlotte zhang
︎ sage chen x Liam
april 2020
april 2020